The companies in the Energy Economy are integrated

Imagine if...

All assets and their data, producing and managing energy, were all  securely accessible to your partners, vendors, and customers with the simple click on an electronic contract. 


No more complicated, lengthy, and fragile integration projects each time you want to work with a new company of customer.

If we are going to solve the really hard problems, 
we need to work together

This is our 
Open Asset Exchange
Open AX

Open AX is the key to industry wide sharing of asset data. 
Its asset identity management allows you, your vendors, partners, customers,  on the exchange to be able to manage the same asset.

In Open AX not only can each asset be secured, but also each piece of data about each asset can be authorized and shared via a simple built in electronic contract system.

Keep data organized through common data ontologies and definitions.

Over 80 APIs allow you to manage assets, relationships, and data including Telemetry, Events and Alarms, Maintenance Events and Tasks, as well as any type of document data.

Integrate existing apps into Open AX, or build new ones

Open AX connects not only your assets but your ecosystem of partners

There will be no single platform

Today data about your assets are stored in many places, both within your company and others

We refer to these sources of asset data as "Data Vaults". For a single asset there are likely many of these data vaults. Using Open AX we tie these together into what becomes a virtual platform made up of many platforms.


The Graphene Data Vault, can be one of those, delivering real time Telemetry, Events and documents as well as building analytics to create new data and deeper insights.

The Graphene Data Vault

Much more than just an historical data base, the Graphene Datavault handles high velocity, high volume streams of data in real time. Not only from your asset,s but it can deliver data back to them securely.

It manages complex tasks such as asset and data registration, monitoring, and analytics on hundreds of thousands of data streams

And yes, it can also keep the historical record for as long as you want using a sophisticated telemetry data storage system

Using Open AX, there is not just one Graphene Data Vault, but they can be deployed in any cloud, in any country to handle data security regulations. The Graphene Datavault can also be deployed on site, for larger plants.

More than that, the Graphene Data Vault works together with the Graphene Edge technology allowing you to compose and manage complex analytics within the Data Vault or on Graphene Edge.

Real time, bidirectional communications for your assets

In the end it's all about interacting with and making you assets perform

Anyone can simply send data up to some cloud, but to improve your business you need to be able to take actions in a safe and secure way

Whether it be simply checking and clearing alarms, changing setpoints, modifying the charge schedules on your batteries, or changing your merritt stack, it is action that will improve your operational performance.


Analytics on the cloud have always proven to be limited and not always reliable. The ability to do calculations on high frequency data, and for your analytics to take actions on site, requires what we call Edge based analytics.

The Graphene Edge

Graphene Edge is a lightweight version of the Graphene Data Vault, built to run on lighter weight hardware or embedded into your existing control hardware on site.

It is built to be secure. Unlike other edge analytics concepts, you do not update software to enable new analytics or improve existing ones. Using a cutting edge management concept, analytic models are managed by the Graphene Data vaults, but executed on the edge without the security issues associated with deploying new software packages.

Actions can be dispatched from the cloud or calculated by the edge analytics, where they are available for your control system to read. Importantly it's up to you if you allow the control system to read and take these actions.

Graphene Edge also performs the common job of data collection and forwarding the data to the Datavault at any frequency you choose. It is adaptable, having the ability to always forward, forward based on conditions, or forward only when a user is observing this asset. This flexibility allows you to meet your demands, but not suffer the cost of transmitting, processing and storing years of high frequency data in the cloud. 

The edge has advanced device and data management features built in that allow you to monitor and ensure the data flow, veracity, and health 

Most importantly, we deliver the Graphene Edge software as locked packages ready to run on your hardware, only after it has gone through rigorous security testing.

Real time, Secure, Actionable Analytics
On the Edge

The Graphene suite of products represents over 10 years worth of Research Development and Testing

It is simply one of the most advanced systems commercially available 
on the planet.

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