The new Energy Economy is becoming more


Large power plants are being replaced by DERs (Distributed Energy Resources), run by IPPs (Independent Power producers) or VPPs (Virtual Power Plants)

Our platform is built distributed

We don’t believe in “one platform”, that is why we have built the technology to standardize data and work together with other solution providers and platforms. Allowing you to participate in a data and solution ecosystem.


"The cloud" is not enough, so we also take advantage of "the edge" on site.  Our analytics management system distributes analytics and controls to the equipment on "the edge", as well process on multiple clouds. Allowing for reliable and high speed operations both on site and across sites.

The new Energy Economy is becoming more


Demand is becoming less predictable as electrification takes hold, the demand curves this year will be different next year

Supply is becoming less regular as more renewables come online

New commercial instruments are continuously reshaping the business models of production and supply

Graphene adapts your assets in real time

Update set points or control logic to 1 or all of your assets in seconds securely, without having to "Flash" software


Or build new analytics and control logic that runs in real time on the edge.

The new Energy Economy needs to be more


As our Energy infrastructure is becoming more distributed, more companies involved, and more dynamic
Our traditional security mechanisms are not always sufficient.

Security is fundamental to our fabric

Remote VPN connections are no longer sufficient in today's environment. 

We allow you to manage your assets without opening the back door to your staff or vendors.


Graphene allows your business operations to be dynamic, without having to risk the security of modifying critical control software.

Find out how